Can you work in Finance without a Degree?


It might be challenging to begin a new job, particularly if you qualify in another sector. For many people, the notion of returning to college and finishing another degree program may deter them from following their desired vocation. It is feasible to work in the financial sector without having a finance degree. Although many finance careers necessitate a bachelor’s as well as a master’s degree, there are a few career choices that do not necessitate a relevant degree. If you don’t have any formal financial training or work history, getting a career in finance can be difficult, but with perseverance and patience, you can succeed.

What are the common jobs in finance?

Several finance occupations are deemed entry-level, which means they could be handled without prior financial expertise. The below entry-level financial positions could be a wonderful method for all of you to get into the sector if you don’t even have a university degree or even have a degree in an area irrelevant to finance, such as liberal arts or journalism.

  • Bank Tellers

Routine transactions, such as money transfers, are handled by bank tellers. To work as a bank teller, you normally only need high school graduation, while a university degree can assist you to distinguish during the interviews. Because bank tellers interact with customers, this might be a fantastic way for those who have worked in customer support to transfer into a financial career.

  • Auditing Clerks

To keep accounting statements full and updated, auditing clerks analyze, categorize, and record information. Understanding of accounting system and a good foundation in maths are required for this position. Employers prefer to hire auditing clerks with some postsecondary education, but no explicit degree requirements are normally in place. Accountant, Account Assistant, and Accounting Associate are some more frequent auditing job names.

  • Tax Examiners

Tax examiners oversee assisting businesses and individuals in determining how much money they owe in taxes. They may aid in the preparation of tax filings or audits. Applicants for the position of tax examiner must have a bachelor’s or one year of working experience. Bachelor’s degrees, on the other hand, are not considered necessary at the local and state levels.

  • Personal financial advisors

Clients are advised on tax, insurance, investing, rental properties, and other financial strategies by entry-level financial consultants. Clients are often met with to define their financial objectives and to offer solutions for reaching these objectives. To thrive in this profession, you’ll need excellent customer service abilities as well as a grasp of economics.

How can I get into finance without a degree?

Many hedge funds would like to hire people who do not have a college diploma. These funds aim to teach those who are starting from scratch and thus have no economic prejudices what they would have learned in university. This is a major factor in Warren Buffett’s achievement. He is aware that many children are being taught incorrect information. Many universities continue to educate students about market efficiency, even though every great investor, including Warren Buffett, knows this is not.

So, yeah, you could get a job, however, you won’t acquire it by sitting in front of your laptop and asking other people inquiries. You must go out, interview, send on applications, and make an introduction. Whatever it takes, just do that. However, you must act and put yourselves out there. You can look for work if you demonstrate an eagerness to learn and a strong work ethic.

Can I Work in Finance without a Finance Related Degree?

The financial industry is enormous. And regardless of what major you choose, there will undoubtedly be a job route for you to follow. Or even if you opt not to pursue a graduate degree at all! There are various employment choices where having a finance-related degree will be beneficial. If you want to operate in an investment bank’s office, or with an asset management firm or funds, economics or mathematics degrees will certainly offer you an advantage over candidates with humanities or art degrees. That’s because recruiters feel that candidates with a finance degree have spent far more time cultivating the abilities and traits required in these industries than candidates without a finance degree. Statistics, math, computer programming, finance and business, accounting, and physics are all considered useful degrees for positions involving financial market analysis or working in the capital markets. However, regardless of how useful the field is, you’ll still need to study hard to obtain a minimum of a 2:1 in your degree to fight for the broadest range of professions and large City employment.


In other words, you can work in financial services without having a financial degree! When selecting a course, consider your professional goals and how they relate to your specific topic interests as well as your intentions for professional experience and extracurriculars.