Why is Finance so Boring? Why do Finance Jobs pay so well?


If you’ve ever considered a job in finance, you’ve probably heard that it’s boring and underpaid. And it’s a valid point. Experts don’t start making money until they’ve been in the industry for 4 to 5 years and work for roughly 100 hours each week. Let’s look at why finance is so tedious and underpaid. Before we begin, it is important to note that the goal of this article is not something to be unpleasant or to deter someone from pursuing a career in that profession. The goal is to offer the perspective of the “bored professional.”

Does finance get boring?

Those who make a lot of money in finance aren’t bored or miserable; on the contrary, they’re having a great time. Some people are passionate about the stock market and excel at handling investments and/or transaction flow. If your mental health isn’t in good shape, you’re unlikely to provide enough contribution to your firm to earn very high pay.

Many businesses, particularly industries with lower income than finance, include a few entry-level occupations that weren’t very exciting; the less attractive a profession is, the quicker it’ll be mechanized away. Silicon Valley is mainly shielded from dull employment since it is in the industry of facilitating automation.

Why is working in finance so boring?

Routine with Discouraging Obstacles

Some finance positions would require you to repeat the same tedious tasks each day. However, you would be confronted with a variety of new challenges each time. More the seniority one gain, the more expertise one will have to cope with a range of scenarios. With time, you may be able to take on more responsibility for the direction and administration of others.

However, some finance positions might not be one of them whatsoever. Some finance jobs are project-based, requiring you to concentrate on a particular project for a period ranging from a few months or even a year. Once one project is completed, you might go on to a next one that may be quite different from the previous one. Every time you sign up for the project, it’s like starting a new career.

Deadlines that are too strict

When you’re a finance expert, time is more valuable than anything else. Operating in this field and achieving some level of success necessitates a significant time commitment. You’ll always have the impression that you might not have enough time with yourself or your family. Many individuals in this sector believe they won’t be able to survive to their full potential unless they retire, and that’s the last thing you want.

It’s not satisfying.

Finance is a very dry industry that lacks the excitement and buzz of other businesses. In instances even if you have all right to break apart, you might have to wear masks of joy and normality and appear in your nicest outfit. Finance, like other industries, is about people, and in certain cases, you’ll have to be each other’s sunshine.

Conservatism and bureaucracy

A profession in finance may annoy you if you are unable to remain patient. After all, the smaller the organization you operate for, the less the bureaucracy is present. It will, however, still be there. Whenever it refers to the advertising of investment instruments, there are a lot of do’s and don’ts to obey, which might be difficult.

It is very conservatively governed, making it unsuitable for all. You’ll need to dress appropriately and suit up. With the rise of newly appointed organizations that are solely focused on start-ups, this is slowly nearing its end.

Why do Finance Jobs pay so well?

A few sectors in finance have extremely high compensation. Most people who work in finance would not make big sums of money in industries such as:

  • investment banking
  • wealth management
  • private equity
  • corporate development

These are jobs with a significant entry barrier, and they normally work with minimal teams to spread the wealth. Sadly, the only approach to get competent in a profession is to do it.

The easier-to-enter spaces are expandable and include high-margin products. A skilled corporate estate agent, for example, who frequently closes on buildings for millions of dollars can earn millions each year. As that individual develops an experienced team of many other agents to assist him or her, they will be able to make a lot of contracts they can complete annually.


Working in the banking industry is a fantastic opportunity, but only if you go in with the appropriate mindset. You can’t expect to have the ideal experience the moment you walk into a company. You must be patient and dedicated, and you must constantly be ready to provide your best effort.

Also, labeling work as uninteresting or repetitive is incorrect because there are other aspects to this employment. And if you work in this field for a long period, you will develop crucial abilities such as risk assessment, stress control, and meeting tight deadlines.